Album: A la Via! – Street music from XIII to XVI cent.
Ensemble: Anonymous & Strada
/ musicamedievale
For many years now, ensemble Strada has been exploring Mediterranean music which continues to draw from medieval tradition. Strada’s rendition of the few scores that have been handed down to us from Middle Ages, which they perform in that most excellent of medieval forums, «nella strada», in the street, makes their music aliveand colorful, and much like the music which rang through southern Europe from thirteenh to the sixteenth centuries.
The selection chosen for this recording were performed by Strada during the first Medievales de Québec festival in 1993 – music that the washerwoman and the court jester once dance to, music that cotribuited to magical atmosphere of the carnival. Every other eyars, for five days in mid-August, an unforgettable celebration of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages takes place against the charming backdrop of the walled city of Old Quebec, with its unique architecture, history and European atmosphere.
In may 1978, in Quebec City, Claude Bernatchez brought together a group of young musicians sharing a passion for Medieval and Renaissance music, and ensemble Anonymous was founded. Ever since, they have continued to bring alive the musical traditions of Medieval Europe with a fervor that never wanes. In seventeen years, through their creativity, their research and by deeping their understanding of history, ensemble Anonymous has created a large number of recitals on a variety of themes, as well as performances comnining music and theatre, which have won audiences in six countries in America and Europe. The pieces they hace chosen for this recording are dances from the middle Ages and Renaissence and are taken from their first two albums recorded in 1982 and 1985.
I wish you happy listening! Mirko Virginio Volpe MUSICA MEDIEVALE • Strada 1 Bransle des chevaux: Thoinot Arbeau, France, XVI century 2 Saitareilo: Italy, XIV century 3 Skarazula Marazula: Anon., XVI century
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